Cubs Seriously Fans Need To Stop Bitching About How Tom Ricketts Runs The Cubs

This may come as a shock to those who have clicked on this blog: I'm about to rant about Jerry Reinsdorf's evil reign as the owner and chairman of the Chicago White Sox. 

Before we get to that, I'm going to shift my focus to the team on the North side of town, the Chicago Cubs. I've noticed a lot of Cubs fans shit talking the Ricketts for the current state of the Cubs, and it makes me want to jump off the Sears Tower. Here are a few examples from a 2 second search on Twitter: 

I'll say this to these people: GET FUCKED. Seriously, get fucked. I hate you all. 

Moreover, Cubs' chairman Tom Ricketts penned a letter to Cubs season ticket holders last week. You can read the entire letter here, but it was divvied up into 4 parts: 

1. The organization has a new core and fresh identity
2. The Cubs' goal is to win championships
3. The Cubs' future is bright
4. The Cubs respect their past and history

Blah blah blah. At a glance all of that is…whatever. It's "owner speak", if you will. Maybe I'm just a salty prick, but I read Ricketts' entire letter and I believed every word of it, especially this quote: 

While we are encouraged by many of the individual performances this year, almost making the playoffs is not success. As an organization, we need to build on our progress and become a team that can finish the race. To do that, we will continue to be active this offseason to supplement our roster and look for contributions from our pipeline of elite homegrown talent.

 I read that and envisioned an angry Tom Ricketts constructing this part of the letter. He's fucking pissed off the Cubs didn't make the playoffs, as he said being close is "not success" and that's because it's not a successful season. You're either first or you're last.I believe that the Cubs' goal is to win 'ship after 'ship. Ricketts has done that once, and it looks to me as if he's hellbent on doing it again and again. I truly believe that the Cubs' goal moving forward will be be in a position to win the World Series every single year, like the Dodgers, Astros or Braves of the Midwest. 

Of course they won't win it all every year, but Ricketts will do whatever is in his power to be in the hunt. 

Obviously there are going to be Cubs fans who disagree with me. They'll scream about how the Ricketts fucked up the Rizzo/Bryant/Baez core and that they're also only in it for the money and a lot of them will even (hilariously) throw the Ricketts family political leanings into their arguments.

I'm here to tell you asshole that you have no fucking CLUE how fantastic you've got it under Ricketts and to fuck yourselves for bitching about them. And maybe, just MAYBE, Ricketts learned from his mistakes with the 2016 core and won't let the organization fall off a cliff again. 

I'll say this right now: there is no doubt in my mind Ricketts is hunting for whales this winter. One guy in particular comes to mind: 

Giphy Images.

Nobody on earth should be shocked if the Cubs sign Sho and I wouldn't even be surprised if they signed Sho AND Bellinger AND that true TOR pitcher they need to take the next step. 

And that's because Ricketts wants to win. Sure, he wants to line his and his families pockets for the next couple hundred years, but he wants to win too, and win a lot, and that radiated in his letter to fans. 

ON THE FLIP SIDE Jerry Reinsdorf does the exact opposite. Instead of reassuring fans that the ABOMINATION of a last decade and a half is done and over with, he comes out and immediately says "We're not going to be signing Ohtani or any of the best pitchers on the market: 

We're going to "try to get better"… what in the FUCK DOES THAT MEAN!!! 

Here's my interpretation of what Reinsdorf means with this quote and what I believe will happen this winter and every winter until his death: 

"We'll bargain bin shop for players that used to be good but aren't anymore and nothing will change from the Kenny Williams/Rick Hahn regime to the Chris Getz regime in terms of player acquisition, player development, and professional scouting at the Major League level. We'll continue to be mediocre at BEST while I'm in charge because I detest White Sox fans, I detest greedy players that only play for a paycheck, and refuse to win with any sort of consistency at all". 

That's extremely paraphrased, too. Also - and I mentioned this immediately when his stupid fucking quote dropped - but saying "we won't be in on X player" is EXTREMELY against the CBA. Can't publicly state you're not going to try to sign a player as it could hurt the supply/demand of their free agency. Nothing happened with it, of course, but Manfred should have forced his ass to sell.

The TLDR is this - Cubs fans need to stop bitching about the Ricketts because it's making me sick. 

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